In an American station in the South Pole, the expatriated staff is about to return in three days to their homelands for six months before the arrival of a whiteout - a weather condition in which visibility and contrast are severely reduced by snow and wind of 160 km/h. When a pilot reports that he might have seen a corpse in the snow, U.S. Marshall Carrie Stetko flies to the location with the pilot Delfy and Dr. John Fury to investigate. Carrie has a traumatic experience in Miami and has already sent her resignation letter. They discover that the dead man is the geologist Weiss that is missing with two other scientists; further, Carrie finds evidences that he was murdered. When Carrie returns to the station, she receives a call from the abandoned Russian Vostok Station from one of the missing technicians and when she arrives in the station, she finds him dead. The killer tries to kill her and Carrie succeeds to escape...

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